Friday, October 31, 2008

this is how my halloween started....

Thanks emily for making me laugh at what can only be described as your "jersey girl" costume. I am looking forward to hanging out for at least a little while tonight and helping chad at a check point in his race. Should be fun trying to identify all the nubes on their track bikes...hate hate hate... I might not sign their manifest until they tell me what gear ratio they got on their bikes... hate hate hate


Let's give me a nice birthday present(November 4th) and vote OBAMA into office. Being an African American studies/ women studies major I have been watching the presidential race very closely, the way the media portrays both candidates, the reaction of voters. It is all so scary and at times surprising and uplifting. Seriously... fuck not being overtly political can you imagine a fucking geriatric and the antichrist as the leaders of this counrty?... start the countdown to the end if that happens.... VOTE WITH YOUR BRAIN AND HEART!!! I am so excited about this election I can hardly contain it. Don't you want to see some crackers ass old white dudes crying? I DO!!!

Thursday, October 30, 2008

VERY professional

Pictures make you look pro.. they also don't tell people what place you are in...


I knew it was coming, but it really dawned on me.... I work for the weekend. I sit in a desk all week with no natural light, look at a computer screen all day and give myself sciatica by sitting in a chair all day. Next thing you know I will have hemerroids.... and I should care that I can't spell things cause spell check does it all, but I don't. Being responsable blows....

Monday, October 13, 2008

Oh right I race my bike too!!!

1st place two days in a row.....really wish there would have been more women there but Ironcross was this weekend too so what can you do? Looking forward to heading up tp Deleware to race this weekend....Met a really really nice junior named Dag (tight name too!).... so cool. Watch out for him because I am sure he will be on a podium at nationals in the near future. Came up to me after the race, introduced himself and talked to me for 10 minutes about racing and how we should come up to New Jersey and race. If you ever here his name at a race you should cheer for him.... Apparently his grandfather races cross as well. I wish I could force my dogs to race cross... I think they would make a clean sweep in the Junior 10-14 class.

Earlier today I checked out my results on the above mentioned website. Man did I feel like I jackass..... I hated that right there posted were my top nemisis (people who crushed me) and my top victims. It really sucks to know that you are someones top victim.... bummer.... I guess it's not so bad considering this is my first real year of cross but seriously. THanks to whoever does the website because now I want to crush all of my top nemisis and then be someone even better's top victim.... what? They also have a sandbagger search engine which I apparently do not know how to use because every time I entered something no ones name came up.... The internet... a place to confuse me.....

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Sciatica HERE TO STAY?!?

Sciatica is apparently my new best friend. I feel like a very old person because sitting on anything hurts so bad. Last night I laid in bed for an hour just trying to ignore the pain. When I tell people that my sciatica is acting up they look at me like I am crazy and a liar. Why would I make up sciatica? so I can say it in a weird new york accent. Possibly, but its real people and it's real annoying and now painful. If Sarah wasn't so busy moving I would force her to give me a back massage. It doesn't help that I sit in the shittiest chair in my office. Ed if you read this (you don't) please get me a god damn chair that is new and does not suck ass.... Can I sue for sciatica?

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Cayanne: why you play me like that?

Note to self...never ever ever take cayanne and garlic on an empty stomach. I took said combination right before a meeting with two of the attorneys at work. I spent the next twenty minutes praying I would not vomit on either of them. Then I proceeded to salivate profusely by the toilet praying again that I would not vomit up a whole bunch of cayanne pepper. So gross. I effed myself for the entire day. Totally bogus. I think I will take a break from Cayanne for a little while.