Friday, September 26, 2008


If you don't know Cayanne is the hip new thing that all the pros are taking.... no really I would like to think that I am on to something crazy and new that no one knows about. I have been taking cayanne pills for the past two weeks. It makes me crazy and gas filled. I constantly smell and have hot flashes but all for the greater good. I am hoping it will make my heart blow up in a good way. If you did not know when used externally cayanne will keep you roasty toasty. I like to sprinkle it on my feet when they are cold and I am planning on sweating. It will work for hours and is much cheaper than foot warmers. I promise I know what I am doing.... you will see.....


So today I sat around my office feeling pretty crazy. I have been extremely tired all week... why? I don't know... i thought that I have been eating pretty well... i don't know. Now that I look at medical records all day long I get really paranoid about having random diseases or other health issues. Yes I know I don't have a perforated bowel... but maybe.... diverticulitus? yep..... why not? Can't wait to race on Sunday. I am really hoping to not get blown out of the water considering I still have't really gotten my mount right yet. Here;s to cross season. 400 times tighter than road racing.